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Old 2015-05-28, 06:40   Link #27
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Germany
intereresting stuff, seems like sasuke had a good reason for the being gone, well, it doesnt excuse the "no message or phone call"-thing, but, yeah, i give the fault to naruto-verse and his inconsistent world-building,
afterall im pretty sure they had cars too but never used them :/

either way:

a enemy stronger than kaguya doesnt mena that the enemy is stronger in powers, it can mean that the enemy has numberse on their side or nasty little abilities like something akin to "remote-chakra absorbtion"

btw, does anyone dislike chocho and her constant "is he my dad?" thing? but she got a bit better after trying to bring sasuke and sarada togehter (even if the method was strange)...

+ seems like naruto got more intelligent, the normal one would have shouted in the flashback but he really matured, he accepted that it would be useless to follow his lovebro...
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