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Old 2015-05-27, 21:54   Link #8
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Originally Posted by Mr Hat and Clogs View Post
I'd rather not have a war thanks. The US would use Australia as a staging ground and I'd rather not have that sort of target painted on us. Compared to the countries around us our armed forces are quite small, even if we are probably crazily trained and fairly well equipped (I've never really looked to hard at what we have, just that apparently the S.A.S are insane). I guess the upside would be that if the US and the majority of SEA throw down against China, the total numbers would probably be fairly even.
Wouldn't the US east coast or Japan be closer for attacks?
In the short/mid term, a conflict is pretty much impossible. China holds so much US treasury bonds that China can threaten financial ruin for the US should anything happen. China also can threaten the global supply of rare earths, which would mean no more smartphones for you (side note, most smartphone assembly is in China so that's a double no smartphone for us)
On the flip side, China is still very much export dependent for it's economy so shooting the people who are buying your goods is a very bad business decision... Also, I suspect any armed conflict would turn off relations with Taiwan and bolden the separatist in HK
I think NK would be super happy though
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