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Old 2015-05-21, 09:25   Link #66
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Originally Posted by saw2097 View Post
Who says he won't nearly die, were you expecting him to come out of the battle against the Emperor without being left half dead on the ground.

This is the start of the climax, in every climax Ise pays a colossal price, he lost his left arm, burned 99% of his life span, and had to die and come back to life, maybe this is where he pays the price for this climax as the author said the climax starts this volume.

About Dragonification, yes but Ise didn't get it until he got the body of Great Red, so its still a power he got from Great Red.
Almost dying is not enough.

You realize the fight against Belial doesn't need to be this volume, right? Heck, the whole Rias accepting a RG against Belial in the first place just screams bullshit. If Isr fights against him in the final battle while Vali fights Rizevim, after training it for some time, then I'll be able to buy him having a certain level of control of his new abilities.

But it's not exclusive to Great Red. So it isn't really one of his abilities that makes him the Dragon of Dragons. It's just something that came with the dragonoid body he'd get if it was made with the flesh of any Dragon actually.
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