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Old 2015-05-21, 08:58   Link #62
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Originally Posted by Chichiryuushintei View Post
Being able to use it doesn't mean he mastered it. Mastering implies he can use it to it's maximum potential without any difficulties, which he can't. CCQ is still far from complete, and he still didn't achieve BB for the Wyverns.

He still has no idea how it works. Not even Azazel does. His dragonification isn't Great Red's ability, it's something othet dragons can do.
He only gained the ability to Dragonify his body after getting the body of Great Red. Before Ddraig did that as a price for using BB, and it didn't give him any further power.

Wyverns aren't another Sacred Gear, they are a part of the Boosted Gear infused with the power of Albion, so their is no balance breaker for the Wyverns.

Originally Posted by Biohazardous View Post
He would gladly lay it down if he knows not doing it will cost the life of the others. They all know he would and it's their fuel to train to help lessen the chance he has to do it to protect them.
Exactly, he is going up against a opponent like Belial, who is extremely powerful, and I seriously doubt that his nullification ability is his only OP ability.

Fighting and playing it safe won't beat him, Ise will need to do something very drastic to bring him down.
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