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Old 2015-05-14, 13:50   Link #26
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Originally Posted by cyberdemon View Post
Fact is that being Hokage is a 24/7 job. No matter who he had ended up with, he wouldn't have been able to be their for them at all times either.
Well Naruto COULD have let Kakashi keep the job until his kids graduated from ninja school. Raise kids first, then when they don't need him to be around as often, go be hokage.

Frankly, i don't mind Naruto screwing up a bit as a father; it gives him some flaws. If he was the perfect dad, on top of being the most powerful ninja, hokage, and all around good guy then he'd come off as kind of obnoxiously perfect. He's got enough positive Qualities and puts in enough effort to get a pass.

This is unlike sasuke who was an absolute wreck of a character before his parenting issues; His neglect for his family is just another sin to pile onto his history of BS. Even when he tries to turn over a new leaf to make up for his past dickery, he finds ways to make the lives of others miserable.... Speaking of which, today's chapter begs the question; exactly how far away are sasuke's missions that he can't even visit his child? The fact that Naruto is facing the same enemy that Sasuke faced the other day, it doesn't seem very far.

Originally Posted by Avalon64 View Post
I don't mind Hinata getting a nice to actually SEE how she's doing...just saying...sigh I REALLY hope she's not pregnant or anything that could be used as an excuse to have her taken out and limit her physical appearances...cause that would suck...yeah yeah I know this isn't her story but given how shafted she got in the main story it be nice to see how she's been doing after marrying Naruto...ah well a single action speaks louder then 1000 words right? She's still making him lunch in society especially Japan's ever moving busy society which essentially what the Naruto word represents that shows that she still loves him's such an old school declaration too lol.
I think Hinata served the purpose Kishi made her for when Boruto was born. Though really, Kishi spends so little time on her character, its like he treats she's just an afterthought. Oh I'm sure maybe Kishi had some nice ideas at first, She had her own backstory and would be Naruto's love interest but he never really thought about their development or their chemistry. Then he got so distracted trying to develop his Naruto vs Sasuke plotline that he kind of forgot about her; he only occasionally remembered he wanted to do stuff with her character and then found ways to shoehorn her into the plot in an attempt to keep her relevant. Its kind of sad really as she DID have some very interesting story potential....
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