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Old 2006-05-06, 22:32   Link #100
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: The Fields of High Attus
Age: 34
I'm also interested in the success of non-Japanese working in Japan in the actual production of manga and anime. Not fan-works, but actual shows that are aired on tv/sold as ovas/screened as movies and so on.

But I haven't heard much, really - besides the occasional thing like that 3D animator who worked at IG for a short while and whatshername going on an internship in Kyoto Animation for a short while as well.

I have noticed some non-Asian names in anime credits, namely Alexandra Weichrauch who is an in-betweener at Ghibli, Jimmy Stone who appears to be a key animator, and Hedwig Schleck (?) who is a producer at Asahi TV. But whether they're Japanese going under pennames (unlikely I think) or non-Japanese born and raised in Japan or half-Japanese, I have no clue.

It's possible that if there are foreigners working in the industry in Japan they go by Japanese pennames so as to keep a low profile. I doubt many would want to work in that field anyway if they hear the seriously hard life that animators have to go through. You'd also have to deal with the added stigma of being a gaijin.
Thanks for the fish
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