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Old 2015-04-08, 00:52   Link #14
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: In the Horizon
Age: 43
Voted for:

1) Mutsuki: I didn't really think much of Mutsuki in the past, but the anime really warmed me up to her, or at least her diligent anime self that cares deeply for her friends; I have a soft point for such people =3

I don't usually like the game importing too much reference from the anime, but in Mutsuki's case, if she does get her 2nd remodel (or at least new lines), it would be nice imho if it would come to reflect more of the anime Mutsuki than the original pet-like girl that we have now =3

2) Sendai & Jintsuu (sorry NKC ): Sendai, like Mutsuki, didn't have much an impression on me before the anime aired. She was to me pretty much like what everyone saw (and probably still see) her as: the night battle idiot that's noisy and can be quite annoying. The anime toned Sendai's idiot act down and made her look more like the eldest sister she was supposed to be, a nice development imho =3

Jintsuu.... Well, I guess a look at my avatar should be enough. Imho it's a pity the Sendai sisters didn't get to grace the show with their Kai 2 forms. Let's hope S2 would amend that, yes =3

3) Mutsu: Best sister of the show, with only Kongou to rival in this department =3

4) Kongou obaa onee-sama: Yet another person that grew on me after the anime. I still like a Kongou that combines the best of her Arpeggio and KanColle selves, but the friendly and reliable big sister Kongou is great too =3

5) Hibiki: Хорошо! >=D

.... Ehem. To be very honest, imho DesDiv 6 would be a lot less likable without Hibiki to keep it from falling on its face every now and then =3

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