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Old 2006-05-02, 17:28   Link #47
It's bacon!
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Up and to the Left
Age: 44
To remember back when the villagers accepted the taken goods from their overlords. The old lady knew what would happen should they return to find it. In all likely case, she may have also seen it as stolen. The old lady knew that she was well respected within her village and around. The old lady knew that she was too old. With the growing wars & battles drawing even closer to the village, the old lady knew that they would soon have to rise to battle. With her death, perhaps she knew that it would bring conflict with her village and the overlords. And perhaps, with Hakuoro, that she knew that he would be strong enough to lead her village into that battle.

But for Aruruu,

...the pain seemed more than physical.

That perhaps, `If I didn't throw that rock, would grandmother be still alive today?` ...for with that pain, sears the soul. For that to heal, may never be known.

Nor for Hakuoro, who must also help bear the pain, as an leader, as a father.

`This is for Tusukuru. Fuck you and die!` (♫I think we know who could make a good english voice artist.♫ ...for now. )

And with that, a new path for all to walk, with no turning back. Perhaps for the old lady, a fulfilled life now lived.

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