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Old 2015-03-27, 22:16   Link #106
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Less CG is a lofty goal to strive for, but less CG also risks a decrease in overall animation quality. One of the advantages of CG is that once created, a model can be reduced over and over, while traditional animation has to be drawn from scratch almost every single time.
I only wish they'll make the CG's quality proportionate to the way they use it. For the most part, CG in Japan is a cost saving measure and they really do not stand up to close scrutiny. So if you use lots of CGs, make them the long shots.

I don't really mind who they use as MC, but it would be nice if they actually keep the MC's feats in-line with their class and setup. Ep12 for all its weaknesses actually solved a beef I had with this anime about Fubuki being too dominant at everyone elses' expense. Ironically, by swamping the screen with characters, Fubuki's part was reduced to a "MC but a destroyer-ish level". It felt natural for the first time in some time.

I wish they can do that without needing to resort to such crudity.
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