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Old 2015-03-26, 11:11   Link #81
Part-time misanthrope
Join Date: Mar 2007
Having only the shadow of an admiral is perfectly fine if it's handled well. It's possible to show him being competent even without speaking a single word.
Similarly having Fubuki as the MC is fine too. The reason why she's considered bland is because she repeated the same drama several times. This is not an issue of having another MC, she would have had the exact same problems Fubuki did.
Just having SoL wouldn't work as the setting is quirky shipgirls fighting against abyssals. Having only battles however would not do it justice either.
Game mechanics being included in the show that anime-only viewers won't get is perfectly fine. I am saying this as someone who hasn't played the game. While the show should provide the basic setting, it's up to the viewer to look up more in depth details.

The main problem with Kancolle was the miserable pacing along with several non-existant quality checks as well as unlogical stuff happening all over the place. Just fixing the pacing alone would have improved the show massively.
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