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Old 2015-03-26, 02:05   Link #50
Mr. Wang
Scholar of Yanderes
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Haramihama
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I'll admit while the last episode wasn't the pinnacle of great quality (a trait we could argue for the whole show), it's still all good fun. I had a great time watching the whole series. I guess I have lower standards when certain things don't bother me...

Y'know, like the part where my beloved Kirishima took off her glasses and got to be a complete BADASS and take out three destroyers at once, even though one of her lines in the game does mention she can't fight without her glasses. I just overlooked it because it was cool.

A lot of moments did make me freak out and squee, like Ooicchi's power of yuri giving her superhuman strength (albeit promptly ruined moments later), Nagato and Mutsu finally appearing in a battle (and now I ship these really hard, no pun intended), Nagato also beating the crap out of Abyssals with her fists and feet, and everyone epically converging for the final battle. I'll admit moments like these did carry the episode for me.

I'll admit that I kinda scoffed or laughed at certain things, like how Shoukaku and Zuikaku conveniently appeared because there were Instant Repair Buckets out of nowhere, our meaningless Admiral somehow being alive all along (and still concealed), and Ooicchi ruining her moment of badass by fawning over KTKM for over a minute, which is longer than the standard we usually see...

Anyway, I still had fun watching this anime overall. I know a lot of improvements could be made, but I guess it's not something I came in with exceedingly high expectations of. I guess the biggest issue to tackle in the next season would be to balance out the slice of life and the battles. If we had a KanColle anime focused on one or the other, I think we'd get better enjoyment out of it. Because this anime did try to stay balanced, but it steeply teeter-tottered back and forth between a war-anime and slice-of-life, a lot of times within the same episode, which can be kinda jarring. Hopefully they'll learn from their mistakes, take their time with the next episode, and come around the time we return to the Naval District, everything will be golden.

...If nothing else, just give me more Mic Check and Pan-Paka-Pan next season.
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