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Old 2015-03-24, 11:31   Link #206
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2007
Like Klashikari, I don't think I can come up with a creative argument this round that would convince my stubborn opposition. Since I'm sure such feelings are mutual, I'll call this my last too :-)

The Japanese reported numerous times that an American carrier has been sunk despite not *actually* witnessing the ship going down.
That's not supposed to be a good part. And Fubuki has a much closer and calmer look than most of those Japanese you mention.

Fubuki and the others saw the Wo with an eye injury and *assumed* that she was taiha'd, which from their perspective might be right, since they are more human and thus for them an eye injury is taiha, whereas the Abyssals are more cyborg / machine. I don't see how you can blame Fubuki for entering that assumption into the report. Again sounds like cherrypicking for specifically blaming Fubuki.
So your solution is that it was actually more a Shoha, but Fubuki did not really know what she was talking about and got overly impressed by the eye damage? I'll applaud that this is actually a plausible in-universe (Watsonian) solution, though IMO it really still doesn't excuse the authors.

Even if I assume that's what they were shooting for ... really, I think I'll be happier they ruled that Fubuki shot the eye (the only part she could control, so the fact she did a Shoha is no discredit to her), realized it was really a Shoha, and wrote it in the report as such.
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