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Old 2015-03-11, 16:22   Link #34
Join Date: Aug 2010
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Kakurin-san View Post
The equipment layout is exactly the same as in her Kai Ni art. Moreover, only Hatsushimo Kai Ni and Fubuki Kai Ni have a fire director as stock equipment.
Her uniform aside, I see no diffference between her boiler before and after the upgrade, moreover she still has the lookout post. - Might be the absence of zoom shots of it though.
Both her boiler and her lookout remain pretty much the same, and her torpedoes don't realyl look different either.

Its a wierd mix out of both arts, and could as well be a Kai remodel with some equipment change. - Even Fubuki questions it.

The games Kai art is just the developers being too busy to update it for the changed equipment in the first place.

As for the AA detector being unbuildable - that wouldn't even make sense from an Anime PoV, since she got one right on her wrist.

Originally Posted by Kakurin-san View Post
Kaga was well justified in her demand of a test for Fubuki and it had nothing to do with her being tsundere. Fubuki has never done anti-air combat before. It would be a massive risk sending in an unproven destroyer as escort for a valuable fleet carrier without knowing whether she could handle the upcoming carrier battle.
If Kaga actually meant business she would have just let her planes fly too high.
In fact Kaga made sure she wouldn't give up by saying 'Again' over and over instead of 'Thats all I'm dissapointed go screw yourself' which she would have done if she was seriously against it.

If Kaga had actually meant it as a test Fubuki would have failed right after the first hit.

It is really not that much different than her general behavior towards Zuikaku.

Its just Kaga's way of saying 'let me help you with that remodel', much like she just bomb killed Zuikaku's target.

Originally Posted by chaosprophet View Post
How could they abduct him, though? He was on land. They attacked from far away with the planes. I don't think those planes can carry a person.
Wo and her escorts were on the move when she launched the planes, theoretically she could have gone on land.

Yamato already did it a few episodes ago (seriously why did they leave her at the base...), and Yuudachi as well as Fuubuki did it in EP 9 and 10.

Originally Posted by chaosprophet View Post
From the scene after where Akagi and Kaga is talking with Nagato, it does seems like Kaga was acting to push Fubuki over her limit to see if she would finally remodel.
That too, almost forgot about that.


I just hope 'Full might of the combined fleet' means we will get to see Yamato again and finally get to see Nagato and Mutsu on the water.

Otherwise I got to wonder why they included the rigging in their character arts in the first place :/
Spoiler for Anime character art - Source: englishWiki:
Those who forget about the past are condemned to repeat it - Santayana

Sidenote: I'm seemingly too dumb for my current keyboard, so if you see the same character twice in a row, when it doesn't belong there just ignore it.
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