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Old 2015-03-06, 16:44   Link #90
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Originally Posted by DragonXX View Post
Do think Accel will need to get a new wing form to be of any use against the Magic Gods or do you think he could do some damage to them with just th white wing form?

Do you think nokren will a apper and fight one of the magic god or could THAT be nokren or Fräulein?

Right now after hearing how powerful then Magic Gods are, I believe that Crowley may be the only person Tomua can get help from because everyone else can get mind**** by the magic gods and become Tomua enemy and I want to know if this will be the next level of Tomua pain after NT9, knowing he no longer have any one who will not stab him in the back because the magic gods say so.

What do think the next level of Tomua pain is going to be after NT9?

I think he is going to failled to save someone and NT11 was foreshadowing it.
The magic gods may of did something to save Othunis but does not mean they would think thatTouma failling someone else will have a bad effart on Tomua growth or another Magic God or Crowley may made it happen because they think it better for Tomua growth
Also the magic gods are on a while other level of power it's not even fair to put them on the same tier as other characters even Othinus at the hight of her power, Accelerator isn't winning a fight against them unless they get nerfed for some stupid reason like plot demanding it.

It's "Noukan" and no, a cigar smoking dog and a homeless little girl won't do anything to them either, they a called "Magic gods" for a reason if characters could defeat them so easily then they would be the worst magic gods ever.

1. Crowley got his ass handed to him by them and had to retreat like a little bitch to recuperate afyer what I'm guessing was the most epic beat down in history.

2. How is Touma even gonna conract Alister when they haven't even met? How would Touma know that Alister already fought them before?

3. Stab in the back by who? Are we reading the same Light Novel?

Not nearly as much since they don't seem to want to hurt him and he seems to factor into their plans, now if he was a nuisance then it would spell trouble for him.

No it wasn't, it was telling us he already failed to save someone once before in the past, there was no foreshadowing except that the Kiharas have something big planned in the background for wjen they make their move in some future arc.

The last paragraph doesn't even make sense considering what's happened so far.

Originally Posted by DragonXX View Post
You know something I would like to see is for a Magic God give some people back the memory of the Alpha, Beta and Omega world because it will have a bad effect on a lot of people close to Tomua.

Tomua may have an unbreakable will but other do not.

Maybe a Magic God can force someone close to Tomua to try and hurt him ready bad and then undo it, this will have a bad effect on then because they will remember that they did it of there free will at that moment that will be far worse for someone mind but I don't know if the Magic Gods would be so evil but they did say that this world is there play toy.Like do this to Index or Mikoto(HA HA HA HA)

What I would like see is mind****ing to all.
Why would they? What would be the purpose of that? It makes no sense to even do that, what would they gain from that?

Seriously nothing you have said makes any sense since pretty much all of it goes against everything established so far about the magic gods.

Then write a fanfic.
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