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Old 2015-02-24, 17:38   Link #32
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2014
Oh god, that was horrible. I thought this to be a mediocre arc for LH standards, but this episode was so awful, no way.
I got, that Plant Hwyaden wants to powerlevel their landers, but why in a fuking town? (Yes I know from this thread, that the city is in another kingdom, but thats something the series should sometimes tell me.)
Why was that damm train moving? Where was it headed? During the whole fight the train was rushing somewhere, so I thought they had a goal and just used the opportiunity for some levelling, but if this city was their goal, why didn't they stop?
Did he really just destroy that train part? Trains are absolute hightech in that world! And what is with whatever is inside? I don't assume you would just take an empty train comaprtment with you?
And Isuzu... I don't wanna talk about her and the damm songs.
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