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Old 2015-02-21, 12:53   Link #6
User of the "Fast Draw"
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Canada
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A good bit of fighting for Nyanta along with some emotional trials for the guy who really hasn't been focused on in that sense. Yeah, he could go all out and fight Londark but that wasn't going to solve things. He doesn't really have much of a way to dissuade him or anyone else who is pissed that they've been dragged into this world with no end or escape in sight. Could understand the guy who basically says "screw being responsible, I didn't ask for this." Could certainly do what Nyanta did and apply that to life in general. But at the same time this is an abnormal situation, one where they don't even have a way out.

I do wonder if Nyanta was really going to go ahead and kill that woman. Fighting against other adventurers is one thing, they'll come back. But killing the people of the land is another story and one with real consequences. But at the same time he was probably prepared to go that far.

New song was probably Isuzu's best sounding bit of singing so far. No idea what it does other than make people glow...but I'd presume it brings good buffs?

Once again the show kind of drops logic for drama. Why isn't Nyanta running for the town to help instead of standing there looking awesome? Why is Tohya still wasting his time talking to people who don't care what he's saying instead of again helping the town! Let these guys do what they want, they aren't the most important thing to be focusing on right now.
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