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Old 2015-02-14, 12:39   Link #11
User of the "Fast Draw"
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Canada
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I can certainly understand Tohya getting pissed at that point, but at the same time is he actually accomplishing anything picking this fight? His big issue to start was that they were dragging the citizens into it, but he isn't helping any of the citizens. He's just running around losing his own cool.

Not all that surprised either to see a group of these people gathering like this. Of course a lot of people aren't going to adapt to such a change in circumstance and just want to go home. They don't care about making a society there or interacting with what is around them, they just want out. Of course they are losing their memories when they die, but also seeing their old lives. It's kind of a weird mixed situation. I doubt they are right in that dying a certain number of times will get you home, but not surprised they are trying.

At least Minori is off and moving now. She was probably the least helpful in this episode. Serious situation, maybe not the best time to delve into personal motivations .

Still kind of awesome that Nyanta is going after the source of this by himself. If he can shut down that situation then all they have to do is deal with the wyverns. Still a pain, but at least it's not a never ending flood.
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