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Old 2006-04-27, 08:40   Link #95
lilian gakuen
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: aoi sora
Age: 19
Originally Posted by Disembodied Voice

actually can i "NOT"believe that cruelty quote...
2,000yen to 3,000yen is way too little.probably saying that all fresh seiyuu(put aside family finance) they are all pauper initially..
so my question start from here(ironic and ignorant question..because i still have much doubt about the reality of seiyuu and otaku..)

-when a seiyuu starts to get her popularity(getting herself single album featuring her appearance and the anime, concert,etc etc)so will she getting more pay and so called "promoted" when she done a per esp anime? take for example,the anime series mai hime, how much will mai nakahara gets when she done a casting for that anime per esp? or is she still getting a stipend pays from the agent by casting in anime?she's a well known seiyuu which also perform her voice in drama,radio shows etc etc

-how about seiyuu/singer like minami kuribayashi? she has her own single and also casting in anime as a seiyuu...but seiyuu isnt her main role..but she is getting the stipend pay like others novice seiyuu??
same goes with Ami koshimizu(well known for mai otome..i presume)she also has her own does she get herself so popular out of the sudden?.I don't think that she has been in seiyuu industry for long enough to get herself so popular..(shes only 20) and now, she has done much more anime that recently released last yr and starting of this what is her pay structured like compared to other "freshman" seiyuu?.

ironic question comes!~!
why do japanese want to become seiyuu?...(for the issue on animator i can rougly get the ideas)
they went all the way through their school life, than went in to a university to graudate as a seiyuu :/ ?where even a macdonald crew or other maiden in the cafer earn 3 times more than a "fresh graduate" >_>"

-seiyuu with good voice and their vocal are capable to sing, are this seiyuu much preferable? take for example, ai shimizu and sakura nokawa(both has her own single and album).

-can i have a much more explicit structure on the pay?
the starting pay for a seiyuu is between the range of 2000 to 3000yen per esp
so when the seiyuu gets her popularity, a anime producer employ her as one of the casting crew, so is she able to quote her own price if she was invited or is she still getting a stipend pay quoted by the producer with a pathetic 3000yen max?

Last edited by friendshipz; 2006-04-27 at 09:44.
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