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Old 2015-02-08, 10:53   Link #34
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2014
if they were going to pick a voice actor for a character that's suppose to be a bard in log horizon, they should have picked one that could sing, imo
I think they made her voice like that on purpose, her story told us that she is just so so singer, she can sing but she dont have the natural talent for it and she still young so she probably still "on training" or "amateur" category, if she sing so good like real jpop singer say... Like from those macross frontier, that would feel contrast with her story right?

And i really found new respect with rudy after this episode, what surprised me is that he seems aware of his world is just actually a game unlike other lander who think all those adventurer stuff is just sort of "magic" to them.

And yeah that forty two thing really put me in shocked, you only know 42 song exist in the world and you dont even have a slightest though that you could create a new song? That compare to real life is like we all believe that we are the only living being in this entire galaxy (which iam sure we are not)
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