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Old 2015-02-05, 10:18   Link #95
Join Date: Aug 2010
Age: 36
Well I kinda pity fubuki.
The Kitagami CL's (even though just one of them is mean) AND Zuikaku and Kaga.

I really got no idea how the admiral came to this fleet constellation.

Zuikaku and Akagi and Shokaku and kaga would have been a far better atmosphere within the fleet, even if Kaga would continue to be an arse.
Instead he put two girls who clearly don't get along together (Catfight anyone?). Shokaku might not be exhilarated by Kaga either but they can at least work together.

I also agree on Kongou's opening statement that she should have been the Flagship, since she can take most hits. My guess is that she forgot that the other ships (especially the carriers) don't have as much armor as she has, thus they all eneded up in the bath.

Hen na hanashi btw - In the Battlestations: Pacific misison where you have to sink Shokaku and Zuikaku the American fleet composition ends up as:

USS Enterprise + screen
USS Hornet + screen
USS South Dakota + screen

How is this relevant?

Enterprise has 2 CLs + 2 Destroyers as her Screen while Hornet comes with 1 CL and 1 Destroyer.

Since the Hornet's CLtends to lay in a stupid autocourse right into the Kongou sisters who make a cameo in that mission, you probably end up pretty much with the same fleet constellation Mobile unit 5 has, just with more destroyers.

Also... How to insult a carrier: 'You flight deck chest!'
Those who forget about the past are condemned to repeat it - Santayana

Sidenote: I'm seemingly too dumb for my current keyboard, so if you see the same character twice in a row, when it doesn't belong there just ignore it.
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