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Old 2015-02-01, 11:34   Link #30
Knowledge is the solution
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: St. Louis, MO
Age: 39
WTF is wrong with Honesty's guild master advocating communism and shit. Surely he's old enough to know how well that works out in real life.
The ideas were more akin to socialism rather than communism and he's not really off the mark. Capitalism tempered with ideas extracted from socialism like welfare, minimum wage, universal medical care and unemployment wages have demonstrated to be one of the best social and economical systems humanity has developed so far.

The thing is that the series presents an interesting problem that we will be facing in the middle-term future: when the existing economic system becomes efficient enough that people don't really have to worry about survival. This will become more of an issue in the real world as automation of an increasing number of jobs becomes more and more pervasive, and the economic machinery becomes self sufficient/there's simply not enough jobs for everyone. What do people live for then when they don't have/can't really work to survive? Guaranteeing an universal minimal wage and promotion of creative endeavors are certainly something that will alleviate the issue, but is that sufficient for everyone? Mamare presents here a very interesting quandary, and I'm really looking forward to where does he/she take it.
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