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Old 2014-11-29, 19:01   Link #20
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2014
Yeah, that was a bit abrupt. I know Caster has magic, but disguising as another Servant, even for just a few seconds, seems a bit much. Someone could do that in the Fourthh War I think, but that was a Noble Phantasm.

Poor Rider, well, that's one servant down. Loved the part where Rin "invited" Shirou to lunch, that was cute. I think the VN noted how much of a fuss it caused, the school idol dragging Shirou off, but still fun to see.

Liked that they've started focus on Shirou's... issues, that look in his eyes when they're surrounded by dying students. Rin and Shirou's teamwork is doing pretty well too, its nice to see two decent Masters, what with Rin using a Command Spell to protect Shirou, then Shirou using his to summon Saber.

I forget, in the VN, did Saber start training Shirou earlier? Since its only been a day since Archer tried to kill him. Its a pretty good adaptation, but a few odd things here and there.
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