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Old 2014-11-26, 07:23   Link #4
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Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Scotland
As I said currently but in 10 years maybe. (I say 10 years as SAO came out in 2022) Then computing power may be up to it.

Using a cut scean as an example is also not really relevant as those are cgi at its best but in video form.

Now you could argue by saying look at games such as those that use.... cry engine, frostbite2/3, for graphical fidelity. But those engines look good but can not cope with an MMO setting. So you would have to look at something like... ARMA A3, unreal, Forgelight and the creation engines.

Not to mention that you need some powerful computing power to run those on ultra.

Then take into account equipment degradation over time. 2 years of constant running on ultra. Something is going to fail.

Next look at CPU's the fastest standerd CPU with air cooling is at a clock of 4Ghz -4.5Ghz and that limit is because of heat we just do not have the tec to stop that so we have multi core CPUs now. But in 10 years so what ever will replace the I7 range so do not expect the 20Ghz octocore that Kirito was using any time soon.

And again medical tec is still no where near understanding the way the brain works enough. Although we can read neve impulses as can be seen in the use of cybernetic prosthetics. However reading and overriding are two very different things.

I still say that something like nervegear is still way way off.
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