Thread: Future Warfare
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Old 2014-11-06, 00:14   Link #87
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
Is a "Missile Truck" the Solution to One of the Scariest Wargames Ever?:

"[The RAND study] analyzed a U.S.-China air war over Taiwan made the bold
assumption that every air-to-air missile fired from a U.S. F-22 hit a Chinese fighter
(100 percent kill rate) and that every Chinese missile missed the U.S. F-22s (0
percent kill rate). In their simulation, the United States still lost the fight. The F-22s
ran out of missiles and the Chinese fighters were able to go after vulnerable tankers
and command and control aircraft. A far more detailed simulation the following year
showed the same results. Even though U.S. F-22s were pegged with a 27-to-1
qualitative advantage over Chinese fighters, their diminished numbers and the fact
that they had to fight from long range meant the Chinese had vastly superior
numbers and won the fight."

The RAND study emphasized that improvements in forward basing infrastructure
were necessary for U.S. airpower to achieve its objective effectively.

But in a new report from CNAS, “Robotics on the Battlefield Part II: The Coming
Swarm,” Scharre offers another solution to mitigate China’s numerical advantage
– an unmanned “missile truck” fighter:"

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