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Old 2014-10-03, 22:43   Link #7
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2007
The side characters being shelved until onii-sama needed them did it for me. Maybe it's just Mahouka not living up to the hype, but disappointment would be the best way to describe it. Certainly doesn't help with the bastardization of Mayumi and Miyuki. Dunno which is worse between an almost completely OC character or a near-robotic follower of the great onii-sama, but it certainly doesn't present Mahouka in a positive light.

I'd give it a 6/10 just because I actually wanted a Mahouka anime. If I were to try being objective and rate it based on it's merits as a light novel adaptation? I'd say a 4/10 at best given the bad job the studio did with it. Not worth recommending to anyone unless said person really enjoys watching a show full of TEEN SPIRIT and oddly timed exposition.
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