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Old 2014-10-02, 15:17   Link #3
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: The police station (Don't ask!)
So here's my (probably not so good) review of Mahouka.

Animation gets a 7/10. My main problem was that it seemed to vary quite a lot. At its best it was a glorious 9/10 and at its worst it was just awful.

Sound is barely a 8/10. Some of the VAs did a good job while others felt a bit dull. While the OST wasn't memorable it was often placed quite nicely. The best part about the sound were the openings and endings which were glorious to say the least.

Story is on average a 7/10. While i found the world of Mahouka to be interesting with plenty of potential i had a lot of problems with how over-dramatized some things were and also with the highschool setting which didn't suit well when Mahouka had the characters wreck professional soldiers. I'll talk a bit more in detail about every arc now.
Enrollment served its purpose as an introductory arc quite nicely. It wasn't special in any way and it had the most problems with over-dramatizing things but it managed to serve its purpose as an introductory arc.
NSC had its problems. Unlike Enrollment i'm not going to forgive it on some things since it wasn't the introductory arc and it had plenty of problems. I couldn't feel tension at all during any point. It was fairly boring throughout with a few stand-out moments and only picked up toward the end.
Yokohama Invasion was the best arc. While Japanese Jesus Tatsuya ruined the tension with his very existence the arc was quite exciting and interesting.

Characters are a 6/10. While some characters managed to be interesting (Mikihiko, Erika, Leo) others just ruined the show to some extent (Miyuki, Onii-sama). I quite enjoyed the chemistry between most of the characters but individually they weren't too special. My biggest problems were the villains who with the exception of Zhou were so incompetent compared to the highschoolers and one-dimensional that i couldn't care for them as characters and only felt sorry for them as they were up against the Japanese Jesus since they didn't even stand a chance. The only character i will talk about is said Jesus the one and only Tatsuya-Stu. Now while i didn't think badly of him as a character and found him quite interesting his Gary-Stuness ruined any tension i might have had. He was for the most part well written IMO it's just that he's too OP for the good of the show.

While my knowledge of the source-material is not the best since i haven't read everything the anime covered i can safely say that this wasn't a good adaptation of the source-material.

Overall rating is a 7/10 although it had the potential to be more. I could recommend this show to someone who wants an OP Gary-Stu protagonist and a main cast that wrecks the villains. But for the most part it's not high on my recommend list.
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