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Old 2014-09-28, 10:45   Link #81
I’m sorry, Kamijou-san!!
Join Date: May 2013
Location: California
Originally Posted by OH&S View Post
You've got it all backwards. Everything is tied to the Sisters Arc. Level Upper was based on the Misaka Network.
As far as I believe, it is all tied to the Dolly Clone Project and secondarily the Misaka Network. It seems like Dolly has some connection to Misaka Imouto from what we saw in chapter 71.5 and the vague memories that Misaka Imouto might of thought that she had.

I am personally hoping that all of this ends up coming together and eventually becoming a large plot point in the main storyline. What has really got me hooked is all this exploration of how networks affect AIM and the ideas of possible multi-skill, dual-skill, networks of espers, and so on. I feel like it could all be foreshadowing for information about
Spoiler for New Testament 6:
, how the Misaka network is going to be used in Aleister's plans,
Spoiler for New Testament 6:
, and other explorations of science-side characters. Though, to be honest, after last arc, I now believe that important things can happen in this manga as well, so I'm trying to get my hopes up.

The only reason I'm not really getting them up is that AllFictions the voice of reason on this forum (since he's not here I'll try to speak for him) would say that Kamachi gave us plot last arc exactly so that we would be more hopeful, feel this way, and read the Railgun manga more intently.

Though, I have to say that I am surprised that Gunha isn't set to appear again. I just found this weird and at least unnecessary to mention. I remember other characters were described as not coming back as well when we got the spoilers concerning Railgun a while back.

If I have to say one thing I dislike about Railgun though, it would probably be that some of its fans claim that characters like ITEM are Railgun characters as opposed to Index characters or that Railgun has better characters, while in fact they first debuted in the Index LN's and were then added to Railgun to flesh out more development and make the story more interesting. It just frustrates me that people still don't have a clue about LN's and or care to read them instead of picture-book manga. I know it isn't fair to get annoyed, but I still feel annoyed.
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