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Old 2014-09-20, 17:10   Link #28
a random Indonesian otaku
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Xanadu
Age: 32
wow... just can believe my eyes... highschool students slaughtering people with emotionless face...
they are raised as troops...

oh.. and Ichijou is pretty badass.. bursting people like boss
I miss Suzaku already

meanwhile, IRONMAN in action (the costume is similar to Spiderman though)
it also pretty funny to see how Tatsuya's ability got revealed one by one... looks like Miyuki's request is something onii-sama can't turn down

We got scenes about how Leo is trained by Erika.. but we didn't get chance to see his new technique.. he is basically just swinging his sword
and Erika's Orochimaru need more spotlight as well

Since most of them retreated, let's assume the finale would consist only Tatsuya, Juumonji, and Ichijo
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