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Old 2014-09-16, 07:35   Link #106
Join Date: Mar 2013
Originally Posted by Netto Azure View Post
The only difference between them and regular rifles is that they are *supposed* to fire and hit faster than a magician could react.

But of course Onii-sama can't be affected by physics
Concepts of movement and speed also exist in Eidos.(or else mages wouldn't be able to alter them)
Tatsuya's magic can destroy Eidos.


Originally Posted by thundrakkon View Post
With all this talk about how Tatsuya is specifically good at one thing, while the others are good in a general sense with different types of magic, I noticed something. Actually, all the magicians from different families are usually only good at one type of magic, it seems. More often than not, they use only a variation of that type of magic. In that sense, Tatsuya isn't very different from most magicians, and the test he took to get into High School is kind of useless.
In most case, you're right. But in the battle field you will never know when you will need different magics.
For example, if you have one powerful battle magic as your only magic and then you encounter someone you have bad affinities with or you're in the situation that relocation is needed to be done quickly....... if you don't have ability to use self-acceleration then you are in trouble.
Beside if you want single field specialists, ESPers and Superpower Users like Tatsuya have already existed even before the discovery of magic...... remember when ep1 said "magic is systematized product"? They must be the reason why modern magic become main stream discipline instead of the old systems.
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