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Old 2014-09-02, 02:22   Link #24
Vegard Aune
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: In the middle of nowhere
So I've been keeping my eyes open for news on the home video release of this thing for months now...
My waiting has finally paid off. Now to wait even more for it to actually come out. Like, seriously, December? I mean I know Ghibli aren't exactly uber-quick with their home video releases, but over a year between the theatrical premiere and the home video release...?

Ah well, at least I finally know it's coming. And when it does I can finally tell Ghibli to TAKE MY MONEY ALREADY. (And in one way I guess it's good that it isn't coming out quite yet... Means I actually have time to make some money first...)
Thinking of stuff to put in a signature is hard...
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