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Old 2014-08-10, 11:29   Link #7
He Without a Title
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: The land of tempura
I'm very on the fence about this but leaning towards optimism now.

Con: It's a reboot
Pro: JMS is behind this
Con: It's a movie and not a TV show (low running time to flesh out characters)
Pro: The CGI won't be made in Amigas
Con: Warner Bros still has the rights to all TV adaptations of the franchise so they can't really continue the movie on TV if it does well
Pro: There's no major studio behind this so it should be free from corporate meddling
Con: There's no major studio behind this so JMS has to finance it out of his own pocket

Overall I don't really know what to think. The original is such a great show and had fantastic performances by the likes of Andreas Katsulas (G'Kar) and Peter Jurasik (Londo), for example, that I have a hard time seeing how they might be topped.

On the other hand the original show spent virtually all it's running seasons on the brink of cancellation so the story was always written as if there was no sequel right up to the last few episodes. That meant that there were plenty of trap doors taken to cleanup issues with stuff like non-renewals by actors and the like and the story suffered for it. Hopefully this reboot can avoid all that and give us the story that JMS really wanted to tell.

That reminds me that we really haven't had any good weekly SciFi show ever since the Battlestar Galactica remake finished and put everyone on the "realistic dark and edgy" path I don't particularly enjoy.
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