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Old 2014-08-06, 14:57   Link #4
阿賀野型3番艦、矢矧 Lv180
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Belgium, Brussels
Age: 37
I never was a fan of Illya, regardless of her "version", but I can't blame her exactly because Kuro never talked nor made her point clear.

To begin with, Kuro's existence wasn't explained at all, and she kept her mouth shut. Worse, she just appeared out of nowhere and tried to kill Illya without explaining her reasons whatsoever. At this point, Illya's reactions and actions thus far were the most logical (albeit childish at times).
Kuro's logic is really sketchy at best because "returning to a normal life" doesn't mean she wants the very same situation before Rin and Luvia showed up about the cards. It doesn't mean Illya wishes to cut ties with everyone else, but simply avoid being dragged in that messy situation.

If Kuro didn't show up with killing intent right from the get go, things would have been less silly to me, but as far as it was presented, Illya hardly did anything wrong.
To begin with, Kuro is the one who keep repeating that coexistence isn't possible. Of course things aren't going to be solved if one keep a staunch position like that.
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