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Old 2014-07-23, 11:40   Link #86
Join Date: Jun 2013
Originally Posted by HayashiTakara View Post
Not the same thing, he's still casting spells like a normal person. Flash casting is complete memory casting. His so called limitations is based on normal conventions, Tatsuya's abilities are not to be measured by normal conventions.
And why would Tatsuya worry about Mizuki finding out his ability, when it is supposed to be "normal"? And what does it even mean "casting spells like a normal person". Normal people don't bypass activation sequences. And Mizuki specifically mentioned that he can cast very fast when in actual combat.

Prove to me that his restoration isn't Flash Casting. The officer guy even said, the speed Tatsuya casted it was impressive. On top of which it was the lead in to flash casting,
The officer said the speed of his self-restoration was fast, not the speed of the casting. That's a fine, but important difference. The indications given in this episode and episode 3 point towards the self-restoration being an ability that's not conciously casted. In episode 3 it activated while Tatsuya was unconcious. And in this episode the it was while Tatsuya was in the air in front of Masaki, the whole process taking not even one second. The officer also said, the speed of the restoration is far beyond human cognitive ability. Unless of course you want to say that Tatsuya's not human and can cast and complete such a sequence in the blink of an eye. And the sequence said something "loading the magic sequence, loading core eidos data from backup", like it was an automatic program.

You keep focusing on episode 3 and taking it as some weird gospel, stop it.
At least I'm trying to back up my statements with passages shown before, instead of inventing things and passing it as the one and only truth.
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