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Old 2014-07-23, 08:01   Link #134
Duo Maxwell
A Proud Lolicon
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: In front of my computer
Age: 37
Originally Posted by risingstar3110 View Post
I heard about the "drinking party" things from KanColle. But to be honest, I think they have planned it big since the start, considering the investment on the game mechanisms, fully voiced characters, room for future mechanisms, and so on. Also notice how KanColle was one of DMM flagship on changing its image so surely they didn't take it easy. If you look at Love Live, where the main cast aside, the other character (understandingly) don't have a voice actresses for the few lines they had, just to show that KanColle was never set sailed as a joke project in the first place.
It's on the same level as a doujin game when it's launched. There are a lot of doujin games that are fully voiced (I can hardly say that Kancolle is fully voiced, given each of them has roughly 2 pages of dialogue at most). Some of Aquastyle games look like it has higher budget than Kancolle honestly.

I actually believe it's a kind of side project from DMM, seeing how fast they encountered the shortage of server slots as soon as the game launched.

Also, it's not about discussing thing that can change or not. It's about being upset at thing we have no control whatsoever. The game can be played fine with R units alone. You just fell into the trap of chasing that UR and SR that they use to bait people to spend money.

If you want a proper Love Live rhythm game, I think this one is better for you.
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