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Old 2014-07-23, 03:50   Link #131
Duo Maxwell
A Proud Lolicon
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: In front of my computer
Age: 37
Kancolle, from the beginning, isn't even aim for that long term, honestly. It's a small fun project that DMM hosted with an aim to 2000 players and it was created after a drinking party. They didn't choose that model because they aim for it to be a hit, but because they didn't expect it to be anything big. Now if you play any of DMM games prior to Kancolle, it's not much different to other browser games.

For that, you could ask Klashikari or Lantern for more information. It's just something I heard from them.

But really, I don't know why we're sitting here arguing. If it's not pleasing to you, you could just stop playing them, honestly. They won't change the model, like how PAD has lived long enough to this day and remain one of the top profitable mobile games without changing a single thing in its game system/mechanic, and I consider Love Live to be much more generous to players than that game.
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