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Old 2014-07-23, 01:25   Link #127
Duo Maxwell
A Proud Lolicon
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: In front of my computer
Age: 37
Is doing daily song has anything better than the normal ones?

Originally Posted by risingstar3110 View Post
Felt like crap. Like all of these attempts have gone unrewarded, and the sense of achievement from doing something extraordinary... gone. I rather they didn't give love gem, but give me a medal, or unlock a story fragment instead. At least felt rewarded. And as I can't really bother with the event btw. Too busy with real life to play games right in the morning, or during the day to keep myself competitive, or even to get the SR card. So feel like there is no incentive at all for me to play this game, except when a new song coming out and i want to challenge it
Isn't that basically every F2P mobile game?
Also, I'd say that the profit they get from the games goes against what you're suggesting. I actually think this game is much more generous than every F2P games I have ever played on mobile. Just save up all your gems for the day that give out SR for each 11 Honor roll.
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