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Old 2014-07-17, 06:55   Link #10
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Redgrave City
Age: 35
Yup, I've thought about that, and it pretty much describes Magic--> Pick a Fuel type, and pick an Engine, and pick a story to base it from, use a device to focus.

Magic is very versatile and open to a lot of customization which is fine for a story, but for a game, especially with one that is quite asymmetrical, it doesn't make good design to have one faction to have that much customization options while the other group, the espers, only have "Pick one power".

The solution, is to have the Espers be as customizable as the magicians with similar choices, which now that I think about it, we already have a number of Espers that uses weapons, items along with their powers. Kuroko has her needles, Awaki has her flashlight, Mugino has her cards.
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