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Old 2014-07-08, 23:51   Link #5
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Redgrave City
Age: 35
While not specifically for table-top, I have been messing around with the idea of a JRPG with this series and I needed a place to post some ideas. It's not going to be easy, but Hell if South Park could do it, why not us?

Lets not get too ambitious here, Academy City alone would be more than enough. 23 districts each with their own functionality and landmarks. Revisiting famous fighting grounds would be pretty cool, like destroyed cloning facility or Endymion... Or if you like, try sneaking into the [Garden].

Turn-based or Real-time but with pause-and-play. Personally I like the Grandia system where characters can move around which leads to more strategic options than the traditional attack back and fore. "Command Points" can substitute a 'mana' meter since the characters all don't rely on a common in-game resource for their abilities.

Character Customization:
Now this is the hard part- I mentioned the South Park RPG earlier and just like that game, I think it's better to have a customizable OC protagonist instead of playing in the shoes of a canon Protagonist. There is something fulfilling when you, your character, fight along side characters from the series making you part of the crew. The hard part is covering all the grounds, but at the same time limiting yourself to not get carried away because lets face it, it's going to be super hard to create content around "Super Evil genius from cyborg Kihara piloting a giant mecha".

1. Faction:

Judgement for science side, Necessarius for magic side. I know for the hardcore readers these won't be the popular choices, but looking at the broader picture it's an easy entrance for all fans, and it's pretty straight forward from a narrative perspective. People from both factions have an excuse to be poking around whatever incident that might occur in the City, and there are already well establish canon characters to interact with and tons of information regarding their inner workings. So both of them would make a good basis for the player as oppose to say Gremlin, Annihilatus, Freshmen, Raven etc.

2. Class:

The nature of the series makes it hard to set up classes in this sense. Note that while I refer to this part as 'class', it might be more accurate to think of it as 'race'. For example, Science side we could have something like "Normal Humans", "Espers (Lv3-4)" or "Cyborgs", which each of them having different abilities and specialties like firearms, technology, powers etc. Magic side I'm not entirely sure and so far I came up with "Magicians", "Knights" or "Summoners". I would need some suggestions for this one.

3. Abilities:

This one is WAY harder. Espers alone can be fire, water, wind, earth, electricity, ice, specific metal, telepathy, telekinesis, teleport, mind control, X-ray vision or even more exotic but they can't be more than one. Don't get me started on Magicians with Christianity, Jewish, Buddhism, Shinto, Hinduism, Norse, Greek, Roman, Aztec etc.

Clearly we have to leave some on the chopping board and agree to certain common points. Like say elemental-wise both Magicians and Espers can do the four elements, and while Magicians can technically do more, we should limit them to one only as their specialty like Stiyl and his girls.

4. Gears:

Again, following South Park, I say no restriction on weapons. A magician can use a taser just as an Esper can wield a katana. Also, no restriction on clothes either.


So that's what I have for now, I welcome any suggestions you guys might have ^_^
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