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Old 2006-04-01, 18:14   Link #10
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Nekofuku Jouji

That's a good thread KatonMakai ^^
Some people have good ideas for inventing new jutsu.

I've been watching this for a few days now, but no one tried to create a new character ^^'
Well, this evening I gave it a try... I present young Konoha Ninja, Jouji Nekofuku

First Name: 譲治
Jouji. The name comes from a character in a Japanese Buddhist tale. See below for more information.
Surname: 猫福
Nekofuku. This means lucky cat. Grammatically this is a correct Japanese surname as it comes with a noun and an adjective, but there's very likely no one with that name in Japan. I choosed it because this character likes cats and other felines.
Jouji has never known his family or clan. While his clan was moving to another village after being chased because of their bloodline limit, baby Jouji was kidnapped by ninja's of an enemy country as they were interested in Nekofuku's bloodline.
Although being well-treated, they abandonned him in the rest, when his temperature body was rising when his bloodline and his affinity for fire started developping. Having no clue what it was, they though Jouji got some uncureable illness, as his forehead felt like someone suffering from a very high fever.
Luckily for Jouji, a member of the Uchiha clan found him and raised the little boy. Sadly enough, his happiness short, because of Itachi Uchiha. Although being upset, filled with anger, he stayed loyal to what his father and sensei taught him and revenge is not the way to live, unlike Sasuke...
Jouji's father and sensei, before being murdered by Itachi, taught him some fire element ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu. Although Jouji knows some technique that were used by Sandaime Hokage Sama as well, they aren't as powerfull yet.
  • Katon Housenka no Jutsu (Phoenix Fire)
  • Katon Ryuuka no Jutsu (Dragon Fire)
  • Katon, Karyuu Endan (Dragon Flame Blast)
  • Karyuudan (Fire Dragon Missile)
  • Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu (Great Fireball)
Knowing that fire can endanger one's life, his sensei also taught him how to use Fuka Hoin (Fire Sealing).
During one of the covert operations to which Jouji participated, he found a ancient scroll containing jutsus based on Amaterasu (天照). Jouji managed to learn one of the jutsu's from that scroll, before one of the felines he can summon, ブラックパンサー (Burakku Pansaa, Black Panther), took the scroll to his dimension because it is far to dangerous to be used.

The jutsu he learned was 黒い太陽の誕生の術 (Kuroi taiyou no tanjou no Jutsu, Birth of the Black Sun).
To use this Jutsu, Jouji has to perform a sequence of four specific handseals in the right order: 虎 竜神 鳥 蛇, which stand for: Tora (Tiger), Ryuu (Dragon), Tori (Bird) and Hebi (Snake).
These seals, followed by Shikumi no Jutsu (Intent to Kill) starts the process of the Birth of the Black Sun.
Basically, that jutsu ignites the Amaterasu or Black Fire inside of the victims organs, consuming him rapidly from the inside. I don't need to make a sketch to explain what a painful death this is.
The weak point of that jutsu however, is the Intent to Kill. If not powerful enough or if the victim escapes from the killing intent, nothing will happen and Jouji lost a significant amount of Chakra need to perform Kuroi taiyou no tanjou no jutsu correctly.

As for Jouji's Kuchiyose no Jutsu, he can summon all kind of cats and felines. Burakku Pansaa is the most powerful of them. Depending on the amount of chakra used to summon him, his size will be different as well, varying from normal panther size to a demon that can level a mountain.
The cat you see on the picture is かえで, which means Maple Leaf. Kaeda is intelligent, able to talk and helps Jouji often during his mission. He's a little bit like Kakashi's Pakkun. He also likes being taken care of by beautiful girls, that's why he often uses his Kawai no Jutsu

Jouji is a boy having a rare 血継限界 (Kekkei Genkai), called 黒壇眼, Kurodangan (Ebony Eyes). With this bloodlime limit, Jouji can alter the amount of S, L and M cones in his eyes, to gain trichromatic (colour) or dichromatic (black & white) vision. Thanks to this ability, Jouji has an incredibly sharp vision and he can see as if in daylight in pitchblank areas. When in dichromatic mode, Jouji can also see the chakra concentrations in someone's body, and depending on the area, try to evaluate what type of attach his opponent will do. This is particulary handy when the opponent is preparing for Genjutsu.

On the picture, Kaeda is sitting next to Jouji. He's a rather big sized cat, but still kawai. The scar on Jouji's face is from his mission where he learned Kuroi taiyou no tanjou no Jutsu. Jouji can also fight using a Katana. The Katana in front of him is the one given by his Uchiha father/sensei and only used on very special occasion during combat, when his honour is at stake or when he defends his beloved ones.
The Kanji on his name tag are correct if my research and comprehension were right.
The Kanji on that ability shart probably isn't... the scan used was rather poor, and I've no idea what chart I could draw for him.

Jouji's eyes are similar to Kaeda's. That because he's using the Kurodangan in dichromatic mode.

Cats ? Baaaaaaka neko >.<
Wondering why I took a cat ? Pretty easy ^^
I've two adorable cats at home. I'm not really a dog-kind of person.
Also, I miss cats a little in Naruto. They would be a nice addition

Where does the name Jouji comes from?


So... that's the character I invented today
What do you think about him ? Design, abilities, jutsu, background etc...

Note that it took more time to write this than to draw Jouji ^^'
* Yawn* I'm gonna sleep now... 1:13 AM O_o
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