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Old 2006-03-30, 20:01   Link #20
Gomen asobase desuwa!
Join Date: Nov 2003
Age: 43
Kyun Kyun

A sound effect used to describe one's feelings when their heart warms up and feels breast pain due to love. Numerous moe~ type songs utilizes this sound effects in their lyrics (notably KOTOKO in her moe~ songs in ero-games). Maid waitresses in maid cafes also use this to be moe~ to their customers. It is often written as ( ゚∀゚)キュンキュン!

There are many theories how this term came into usage, but I tend to prefer the SE used in Lin Minmei's debut song "Watashi no Kare wa Pilot" from "Choujikuu Yousai Macross" as it was one of my favorite shows as a child. In that song, Minmei sings the tune "kyu~n kyu~n, kyu~n kyu~~n" in her lyrics as a description of flying VF-1 Valkyries overhead. The lyrics to that song is also a soliloquy of how she feels as her boyfriend (Ichijou Hikaru) is a pilot.

[I-know-it's-bad] Usage examples:

My heart goes kyun kyun when I see Rika-chama going nipa~☆
Lyrics from "Sakuranbo Kiss ~Bakuhatsudamon~": sukisukisu kiss kiss kiss kiss. Kyun kyun!

Last edited by kj1980; 2006-03-30 at 20:11.
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