Thread: Future Warfare
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Old 2014-06-14, 18:00   Link #71
Roger Rambo
Sensei, aishite imasu
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Hong Kong Shatterdome
Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant View Post
You are missing my major point; which is that attempts to manipulate Darwinism via war = death to the perpetrators. By Darwinism rules it means those who do so, are only getting themselves weeded out. Thus anyone who follow in their footsteps would likely be dooming themselves.

Those who start wars to manipulate Darwinism, are themselves not exempt from its rules. The fact that they suffer horrible deaths should be enough evidence that it is futile.

Rule number 1 of Darwinism; if it kills you, stop doing it!
I don't know. I have a hard time believing modern warfare between humans would have any appreciable effect on Darwinian selection. Since things like individual fitness are ultimately FAR less important than how well an army is collectively equipped and trained. An army of dull runts will run circles around an army composed of NFL linebacker geniuses if the former has better equipment, doctrine and training. Those factors have a far greater influence on survival of individuals in an army than how "fit" those soldiers were.

Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant View Post

Rule number 1 of Darwinism; if it kills you, stop doing it!
...this is frankly another problem with Darwinism through warfare. Potentially speaking, being born with club feet is more genetically fit than having the body of a paraolympian. A paraolympian will get sent into combat where he can be randomly shot and blown up. A guy with club feet will be kept doing relatively safer work on the home front on account of him not being physically useful for combat.

I think there's a Chinese myth about this one boy avoiding conscription in an ancient war this way, and ending up one of the few eligible bachelors after everyone else got conscripted and killed.
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