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Old 2014-05-31, 18:33   Link #79
Join Date: Jun 2013
Originally Posted by karice67 View Post
To me, that raises questions about what exactly it is the family values in their magicians, which I assume to be related to whatever it is that the magic education system believes is valuable (casting speed, the scale of the spell and the ability of the person to 'rewrite information' with their magic (ep. 3)). Doesn't look like super intelligence or high psion count - which Ushiyama's words suggest is a trait of both Miyuki and Tatsuya - count for much.
Couldn't have said it any better. Although it is clear that Miyuki is valued much more than Tatsuya. While the latter is basically treated like a tool, the former is a candidate for succession. Moreoever the experimentation apparently done on Tatsuya is worth pondering. Question is, did his mother work on him because she as a member of the Yotsuba believed he had special potential, or was it the other way round that she believed he lacked something and was therefore also treating him like a tool to be shaped and used?
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