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Old 2014-05-31, 17:05   Link #59
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Join Date: Feb 2014
Originally Posted by Anh_Minh View Post
Fourth... among the servants who aren't part of the family. (A category which, yes, supposedly includes Tatsuya but not, say, Miyuki.)

And yes, I'm sure he has long years of faithful service... but there are probably a handful of other servants who could step into his shoes should he drop dead right now, and most people would barely notice. And every year, Japan's universities produces thousands or more of graduates who could potentially be employed by the Yotsuba and, in time, be trained to do his job.

How many Tatsuya-caliber geniuses do you think run around, and how easy would it be for the Yotsuba to locate them and secure their loyalty?
what are u talking about i mean how many people will actually work with the yotsuba which symbolize death in their name(japan is also supersitous) so they properly wont even accept the job even if they offer them and u have to be a magician so that narrow it down quite a bit and he handle their financial service pretty well and the yotsuba seem to care for usefulness not if u hate them or not or have any underlining feeling of them so they will just use u like a pawn and discard u so that butler guy is properly very useful so they kept him
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