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Old 2014-05-22, 18:12   Link #53
Join Date: Feb 2013
I was trying to explain how Tatsuya's seemingly OP powers don't make him struggle less to someone and this is what I got so far:

He struggles with the Yotsuba over his duties as a weapon. Technically, Miyuki is the only one allowed to order him around and yet Maya persists in making demands of him. His ongoing struggle to maintain that very clear line between him and the Yotsuba while making sure that he doesn't alienate them far enough that Miyuki suffers is compelling.

He struggles to keep life as smooth as possible for Miyuki because her happiness is the only thing guaranteed to make him happy. You could think of this struggle as one to make himself happy. That's interesting, for me at least.

His struggles to keep out of gaining the attention of the other 10MC is currently becoming fruitless. He's going to have to struggle much harder for that because there are very real and dangerous consequences if he fails.

I won't say anything about any struggling he may or may not have for his lost emotions because he is incapable of caring that much about himself to feel the loss that intensely.

Can anyone see what I've missed or misinterpreted? It never hurts to have these kinds of information in our arsenal of defense.

But it might hit an iceberg...
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