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Old 2014-05-18, 18:23   Link #43
Saizen Supreme
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Sweden
Age: 38
Describe about yourself
I'm a Swedish male. I like hanging out with friends, play video games, watch anime, and work out, either by various sports or the gym.

Do tell what you disgusted the most in fansubbing?
The ungrateful leechers.

Do tell any attributes you like about fansubbing?
Hanging out with nice people and the satisfaction you get from finishing a series.

What are your aliases or nicknames you've used in fansubbing?
Juggen, Juggaz


Why do you fansub in the first place?
I wanted to give back to the community and to help releasing subs in a high quality manner for my own collection.

Why do you continue fansubbing?
I still enjoy anime and I've become a leader type, so people depend on me and I don't wanna abandon them. ^^
I also like to do oldies that nobody else are touching.

When do you start fansubbing?
In early 2008.

List your current group(s) and your position/job in that group(s)
Saizen: Timer, QC, Typesetter, Leader, Karaoke Artist
I work with various other groups too in joints.

List the Group(s) you've worked with in the past
Yume Subs, AniSubs, Yabai, Funnuraba

Do you freelance?
Doing a bit of freelancing for Orphan and have done in the past for groups like AnimeYuki and DGz.

What kind of series (genre) do you enjoy working on?
Sports, Comedy

Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why working on them?
I felt like helping out.

Founder: Only if you start at least one group
Never founded anything, but have become one of the leaders of Saizen and was one of the starting members in AniSubs.
I also run Juggaz which polishes R1 subs more or less.

Do tell why do you start a group?
Wanted to get into fansubbing.

If the group collapsed or is going to collapse, explain what was the reason of its collapse.
People left for the real life.

If the group is still functioning but is stalling, explain what was the cause of this
Some people lose motivation as they grow older, me included, and might prioritize other things in life.

If the group is functioning very well, do tell about why it is successful and what did you do to make it successful.
I mean, we still function very well, lots of releases every year, but certain shows are stalling. =) The trick is to find people that are motivated and keen on doing their job in a somewhat timely manner, or the stalling will turn into an evil circle.

What are your favorite fansubbing jobs
Typesetting, QC

Make a definition of the job you can do or your current fansubbing job briefly.
Anal timer, thorough QC, aegi-typesetter, laid-back leader, beginner kara-artist

Other Plans
When are you planning to retire/quit from fansubbing?
Probably when I stop watching anime or I am too busy in real life to continue without stalling.

Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are?
I have trained a few, but it's too time consuming and I don't find it very motivating anymore.

Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better?
Probably not, maybe my future kids. lol
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