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Old 2014-05-18, 05:55   Link #2
阿賀野型3番艦、矢矧 Lv180
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Belgium, Brussels
Age: 37
Okay, time to go first:

Questions related to epsode 7:
-The series made clear that Tatsuya can read activation sequence of a spell, which is a feat according to many characters. However, I don't recall him rewriting/deleting a sequence while the user is casting it before this episode.

So my question is: what does he need to do to actually disrupt the spell activation? Does he just need to gaze without any actual interaction? He certainly remained motionless when Blanche leader casted his spell.

-Antinite is implied to be an active cast jamming device/component. I assume that it isn't a permanent cast jamming field otherwise they wouldn't need terrorist to actively use their rings here and there.
So my question about antinite:
*How long antinite cast jamming effect last? Is it dependant of the stone size or quality?
*Is antinite cast jamming ability finite or infinite? As in: once the antinite use its cast jamming effect, does it become inert forever, or is it possible to simply store it and use it again afterwards?
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