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Old 2014-04-25, 00:13   Link #71
Reader, thinker, Retard
Join Date: Apr 2014
Originally Posted by Diocar View Post
Hey i was reading the 9sc manga yesterday and now remembered one thing.
In the previous chapter tats says he now has a AoE decomposition. So thanks to the manga i start thinking is it because of the flying magic technology? I mean acording to the manga tats flying magic makes changes to the activation sequence used for a spell allowing magic to casted continuously upon a target. Then for tats to have an area where any object is decomposed he has to do the same thing but applied to decomposition because the activation sequence used to decompose a person or a car must be diferent because their information structure is diferent. Is this right?
Aoe decomposition is a spell he has that acts like a defensive spell, similar with wide area interference or data fortification.
Was first mentioned in LN in volume 12 ch 1 when it was said he used this to defend against magic and bullets,cannon shells etc during the battle of okinawa.I wish the author will mention more about this spell on how it works and what exactly is used for.
He had aoe decomposition before the flight type magic and flight tyope magic has nothing to do with decomposition.

Thats the thing with tats, because his ability to use multivariables to a high degree it allows him to incorporate more variable into an activation sequence, meaning he can make the aoe decomposition affect more then just one type of target at the same time.
The only problem i see with aoe decomposition its not as universal as ZI or DF. I mean ZI just throws interference around preventing the enemy spell to have an effect in the ZI area of effect no matter which spell is used same as for DF that fortifies the eidos to prevent changes created by the spells or other forces.

Now in case of AoE decomposition i don`t see it very versatile against spells since you need to target the specific magic sequence of the spell to dispel it and i don`t see the Aoe decomp incorporating all the spells as target in order to block them, just to many spells.
I think he uses the aoe more to compliment his Gram Dispersion spell. We know that gram dispersion is very effective at dispelling magic but when the magic is dispelled the natural effects that the spell produces are not gone with the spell.

As an example he can dispel miyuki neilfheim but the freezing effect will remain until it corrects itself, freezing effect which is caused by slowing down the movement of air molecules in the target area and the reduced movement creates less friction between the molecules resulting in a temperature drop thus creating the freezing effect(maxwell and boltzman theory).
In other words if miyukis spell is dispelled the cold air front generated by the spell will still be there and will still have an effect if it touches you, and this is where aoe decomposition kicks in by decomposing the molecules that form the clod air will remove the cold air front resulting in a diminished or no effect at all.
At least that is my theory
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