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Old 2014-04-23, 14:40   Link #94
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2014
Haha... Its over for Yen press. Expect their light novel series "brand" to endlike tokyopop's light novel division. The actual licensing bit is the biggest lie I ever heard and seen in my life. In reality, Yen press have only licensed the first volume of the series as well as in Sword Art Online and accel world. The reason? It's obvious, the licensing of these light novels are very expensive, the Index Series along will cause at least 100 million dollars at least to license (licensing isn't free you know ) .

The licence that Yen press has with Kadokawa Shoten is just a per volume licensing. This is because if the first volume flop, the series will flop as well and cause a loss to Yen press, this kind of licensing is cheaper and more risky at the same time. Even if it's is successful, Yen press will still make a loss. Here's the reasons;

Spoiler for reasons:

If you think Spice and Wolf light novel is successful, you so wrong. It's because of the manga sales that Yen press is still managing to release the light novels and Yen press is barely making any profit from the light novel sales.

Remember, it's a per volume license Yen press have not a master license (Whole series). They may have an agreement with the publisher to licensing the whole series but that's different from licensing the series.

Meaning... Index series is already a flop before the first book is even released, which is just so funny.

Last edited by edomaeexa; 2014-04-23 at 15:08.
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