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Old 2014-04-22, 00:21   Link #29
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Originally Posted by SoboSobo View Post
Spoiler for volume 2 ch 10:

Normal magicians can identify the eidos as a whole. As an example in a class room the normal magician can identify the eidos in the room but they can't tell which eidos belongs to the chair and which eidos belongs to the dashboard or to the computer.This is where tatsuya ES comes in it gives him the ability to differentiate and identify every eidos individually meaning he can tell which eidos belongs to the chair, the computer etc. And that's why he needs ES for decomposition in order to individually target the eidos he wants to decompose otherwise he will just decompose everything.
You know that cannot be right. Its never been stated that they identify eidos as a whole. You are over-exaggerating the statement that only a few can clearly identify and differentiate them. You have read about people other than Tatsuya targeting individual objects, people, molecules, even nerves and forces, and then using magic on them. So of course they can target individual eidos, but they are unable to actually 'see' or identify the data they have targeted like Tatsuya can. In V9 they explain mages normally use vision or 1 of the other 5 senses as a shortcut to target individual eidos, but can have their magic fail if these senses are fooled and their input coordinates for where they thought the target was, are wrong.

I've also already pointed out that when Tatsuya was explaining his decomposition in V2, he only specifically mentioned his special sensory ability was required for disassembling magic and activation sequences. There is nowhere in the novel that indicates a person must have elemental sight to be able to use decomposition magic on objects.

Last edited by Guest2; 2014-04-22 at 02:11.
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