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Old 2014-04-14, 17:17   Link #69
Join Date: Jan 2014
Originally Posted by Vaultec View Post
Im not sure if this question belongs here, but I was wondering what exactly is Tatsuya's motive? Why is he still attending high school and taking orders from the Yotsuba family? I understand that Tatsuya has the guardian role, but that doesnt really explain why he follows the Yotsuba family's instructions, considering how his sister dislikes the family? Also what exactly is the main antagonist in the series? Is it the ten families, Yotsuba, or something else?
For starters, he is Miyuki's Guardian so he has to guard her at all times. Going to high school isn't all that bad of a deal for him, either. The nation's magical research can only be accessed from magic high school and university, which he plans to use to achieve his true goal. Tatsuya wants to move magicians out of the private sector so they don't have to be used as weapons by the military. This would also cut the power of the ten families, particularly the Yotsuba.

The ultimate antagonist will undoubtedly be the Yotsuba, but for now they consist of foreign military powers such as GAA and USNA, other families such as the Saegusa, and other other sages.
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